Monday, September 28, 2009

Obama's Fiery Speech At 'Congressional Black Caucus' Dinner

1 comment:

  1. Dale, this whole thing is a joke. Obama is back to bashing black mothers again. He has chosen to see the accomplishments of Black Americans when it is to benefit him. And once again as in the election he sees the black community and now he is saying we must all stick together. Does he call for us sticking together when black people are being tasered? Does he call for black people to stick together when it comes to have the necessary tools in all of the schools for the children to succeed. Is he calling for equal opportunity when on Friday he is going to bid for the Olympics and put the folks in Chicago out of their homes and states? Is he calling for an equal opportunity when a family is homeless for a game that they need a roof over their heads and will welcome a hospital bed to secure that for as long as possible, or is he even considering how many people are going to become ill from what he is doing to his own state. And tell me please how does he expect black children to strive to do their best when they have been kicked out of their communities? Also tell me please why he could not address the town hall meeting with how they are having him to look like Hitler, but he can we it comes to the CBC, he can?


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Radio host and Black Blogger