Chicago,IL my home town a fight broke out involving High School students from Fenger High School.A young man by the Name of Derrion Albert was beaten to death but multiple students as you can see in this very horrific video please watch this video with caution . As I watched this video seeing our African American kids act like Animals it broke my heart to see the disrespect for human life.
As the guy you can heard holding the camera laughs and make jokes about a young 16 year old boy being murdered right in front of him ,it makes you ask the question do alot of these sick bastards get enjoyment out of watching another black young man get beat to death by other black males.
It comes a time I ask myself why do I speak up for these young black ignorant fools,Who always seem to down each other or want to kill each other just because somebody bad mouth them.
This 16 year old boy shouldn't have died for some foolishness some he said she said crap or who you are associated crap. alot of these damn kids don't get it you fight for nothing but a grave and to be a statistic.You for to prove that your so call big and bad but yet your just showing how dumb and hateful you are .
But yet we have to remember we have kids who live in these areas that need our help and support and I know I want ever give up on them,but for the ones who want to kill a person for no reason you have made me your enemy,Remember Derrion Was somebodies baby and he shouldn't have died like this .I will not be posting the video for the respect of this young mans life and it makes me cry to see another young black brother killed over some senseless violence .R.I.P Dorrion Albert