Friday, August 28, 2009

Idaho GOP So call jokes about buying Tags to hunt President

An Idaho Republican Gubernatorial hopeful insist that he was joking about buying Hunting tags to hunt President Obama.While holding a Republican rally about tags to wolves in the state of Idaho somebody yell out "What about Obama Tags?",Rex Rammell replied by saying "I would Buy Some of those". Which to me is not a surprise mostly bigots stay in Idaho by the way .
But this is one of the thing that people like Rammell who promote violence against the President.
Now some will say oh he was joking but when has it become a joke of people promoting racism and hate against a President ?.
I have that answer and that answer is since our President became black raicsm and hate crimes have risen against the African American community .But by President Obama not saying anything and just watching these things go on people like Rammell and other racist big will continue to promote violence and hatred .

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